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Self-Esteem Checkup

The Heart Centered Being > Learning Corner  > Self-Esteem Checkup

Self-Esteem Checkup

Completing this exercise will help you get a handle on your personal sense of understanding, acceptance, respect, and love for yourself.

Directions: On a scale of 1 – 5, rate how much you believe each statement. “1” means you do not believe the statement at all and “5” indicates you completely believe it.


Be sure to include the numbers (2, 3, and 4) as part of your rating.


1. ______I believe in myself.
2. ______I am just as valuable as other people.
3. ______I would rather be me than someone else.
4. ______I am proud of my accomplishments.
5. ______I feel good when I receive compliments.
6. ______I can handle criticism.
7. ______I am good at solving problems.
8. ______I love trying new things.
9. ______I respect myself.
10.______I like the way I look.
11.______I love myself even when others reject me.
12.______I know my positive qualities.
13.______I focus on my successes and not my failures.
14.______I am not afraid to make mistakes.
15.______I am happy to be me. Add up your total number of points


Add up your total number of points.


Self-Esteem Benchmarks


To determine your level of Self-Esteem, use the scale below to match your total points to the closest benchmark category.


• 15 points – Poor Self-Esteem
• 30 points – Low Self-Esteem
• 45 points – Moderate Self-Esteem
• 60 points – Good Self-Esteem
• 75 points – Exceptional Self-Esteem


Finally, respond to the prompt in the comments below “What would need to change in order for you to move up one point on the rating scale? (i.e., for example, if you rated yourself a 6 what would need to happen for you to be at a 7?)”

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